

BICC 2019

Day: 1

Session: 8

Title: Preventive & Palliative Oncology

Time: 2.00 pm to 3.30 pm

Venue: Hall 1

Palliative Interventions in Gynecologic Oncology

Presenteer: Dr. Anne Kathryn Goodman , USA

Evidence for Oral Cavity Cancer Screening

Presenteer: Dr. Gauravi Mishra , India

Strategies for Cervical Cancer Prevention and Screening in Low Resource Settings

Presenteer: Dr. Sharmila Pimple, India

Recent Advances in Cervical Cancer Screening Programme in Bangladesh

Presenteer: Dr. AshrafunNessa, Bangladesh

Establishing an electronic cancer registry in a tertiary medical institute of Bangladesh: preliminary findings and way forward

Presenteer: Dr. Md. Khalequzzaman, Bangladesh

My Care My Right-Ethical Perspective In Palliative Care

Presenteer: Dr. Rumana Dowla, Bangladesh