Bridging Borders: A Global Medical Physics Training and Development Program for Transformative Education and Research"

Presenter: Dr. Stephen M. Avery

Session: Parallel: C3


Incident Learning System in Radiation Oncology

Presenter: Dr. T Ganesh

Session: Parallel: C3


Advanced CT quality assurance in radiation oncology with PyLinac automation

Presenter: Dr. Karthick Raj Mani

Session: Parallel: C3


"OralSafe," an Advanced Extra-Intra Oral Bacterial and Virus Killing System with Automatic Drainage Suction Machine.

Presenter: MD Naimur Rahman

Session: Parallel: C3


Identification of Skin Lesions through the Analysis of Dermoscopy Images Utilizing a Convolutional Neural Network and Developing a Flask-Based Artificial Intelligence Web Application

Presenter: Md. Eshtiaqul Haque

Session: Parallel: C3


Comparison of Bladder and Rectal Doses with Single-Channel vs. Three-Channel Vaginal Applicators in HDR Electronic Brachytherapy

Presenter: Md Mokhlesur Rahman

Session: Parallel: C3


Application of PHITS Monte Carlo Code for the Design of a 6 MV Linear Accelerator and Shielding of its Bunker

Presenter: Md. Mojahidul Islam

Session: Parallel: C3


Dosimetric Impact of Calculation Grid Size and Statistical Uncertainty in Stereotactic Treatment for Brain Metastases

Presenter: Md. Akhtaruzzaman

Session: Parallel: C3
